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A non-surgical, quick, and safe solution for various common feminine issues, such as Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness, recurring infections, and more. It helps alleviate these symptoms whether they were caused by menopause, hormone deficiency related to cancer therapy and post-labor conditions. It is a safe and minimally invasive treatment which can solve numerous feminine issues, quickly. Join over 200,000 women who have already discovered how this simple, pain-free procedure can make a huge difference in their lives. These issues are much more common than people imagine, however with FemiLift they are easy to solve. Unlike other surgical procedures, the FemiLift treatment can be done in an outpatient location. This means at our office! There are very little to no side-effects and practically no downtime. This means you can resume your everyday life immediately after the procedure. Doctors would usually recommend avoiding sex for about 48 hours after the treatment.